SIV-Q00: Three searches identify patients who have been vaccinated by the surgery using one of the 4 primary vaccination codes. This search has been improved for 23/24 by ignoring patients who had a vaccination at a previous surgery before registering with the current surgery. The search and its children, which subdivide activity into injection and nasal spray, may be used as a rough guide as to how many vaccinations of each type have been administered.
If vaccine manufacturer information has been correctly recorded against the codes (possible when using a protocol), data the report SIV-D00 can be manipulated in Excel to establish a breakdown of each type of vaccine.

Patients who have deregistered during the flu vaccination season are NOT included in these searches.
SIV-Q01: Counts the patients who were not originally eligible, but has been flagged following clinical review as being eligible to receive a vaccination. This code is essential on non-eligible patients (by the definition of the business rules) to ensure payment. Consider clinical review and coding "Long term indication for seasonal influenza vaccination" to save having to add a code every year.
SIV-Q06: Another data quality search to root out coding issues. This can be used in two ways; one to pick up where staff double code during the same encounter, and when using the report it is also possible to pick out codes added on separate dates, perhaps as a result of other healthcare providers sending data twice.
SIV-Q07: Patients who have a medication issue for a flu jab but the episode is not coded are still counted for a CQRS claim, but nothing will appear on the patient's vaccination summary. If a patient were to request a vaccination history, a complete summary would need to show every jab which means the event must be coded.
X) Declined or Contraindicated
In addition to an overall search to count the number of patients who declined (with no subsequent flu vaccination), the declined codes are broken down into the various eligibility cohorts. This feature request may be of interest to Practices who want to understand how different groups of patients respond to invitations.
A single search SIV-X100 shows the number of patients who have a permanent contraindication for a flu vaccine. This search does not feature as an exclusion from the main recall searches as it picks up any adverse reaction or allergy to a specific flu vaccination. Newer types of vaccination may mean the patient could received a flu jab. In the event that a patient is called in, coding Seasonal influenza vaccination declined or contraindicated will remove the patient for the remainder of the flu season.
SIV-X101 was introduced in to separate out expiring contraindications. These are where the Practice has coded Seasonal influenza vaccination contraindicated or ...not indicated since 1st April of this contract year. Patients appearing in this search will be removed from the searches in the recall folder
Flu vaccinations

Administration of first inactivated seasonal influenza vaccination [985151000000100]
Administration of first intranasal seasonal influenza vaccination [884861000000100]

Seasonal influenza vaccination given by other healthcare provider [955651000000100]
Seasonal influenza vaccination given by midwife [1066171000000108]
Seasonal influenza vaccination given by pharmacist [955691000000108]
Seasonal influenza vaccination given while hospital inpatient [955701000000108]
Seasonal influenza vaccination given in school [1239861000000100]
First inactivated seasonal influenza vaccination given by pharmacist [1037351000000105]
First inactivated seasonal influenza vaccination given by midwife [1066181000000105]
First intranasal seasonal influenza vaccination given by other healthcare provider [955661000000102]
First intranasal seasonal influenza vaccination given by pharmacist [1037311000000106]

Seasonal influenza vaccination declined [822931000000100]
First intranasal seasonal influenza vaccination declined [885971000000103]
Second intranasal seasonal influenza vaccination declined [886011000000103]
No consent for seasonal influenza vaccination [868491000000103]

Seasonal influenza vaccination contraindicated [822971000000103]
Seasonal influenza vaccination not indicated [822951000000107]