Using appointment reporting

Using appointment reporting

When reporting on appointments, this is often best done within the appointment reporting module.

Accessing Appointment Reporting

To access this:
  1. Click on the EMIS button
  2. Select "Appointments"
  3. Select "Appointment Reporting"

This will take you to the appointment reporting module, which looks like this:

The same as in searches, templates, protocols and concepts you have a folder structure on the left which you can add new folders to and the reports you build within the folders will be shown in the main area.

Importing an enquiry document

If you have been given an enquiry to import to your system, select a folder on the left hand side (or create a new one)
If you are importing reports from Primary Care IT, we would suggest you create a new folder called "Primary Care IT" if one doesn't already exist.  If it already exists please import our resources to this folder.
Then click on "import":

The following window will open, click on the three dots at the top right:

You can then locate the file that you need to import (remembering where you have stored it on your computer). 

You will then see the format and layout of the import:

Select "Ok" and this will import the report into your system

Running Appointment Reports

Select the report you want to run and right hand mouse click, selecting "Run"

Viewing and interpreting results

Select the report you want to see the results for and either right hand mouse click and select "View Results" or use the "View Results" in the top menu ribbon:

This will show you the report output.  

Appointment reporting is much like any other data within a clinical system, in that the information is only as good as the data that is entered.  For example, looking at consultation durations relies on individual clinicians clicking on "send in" at the time of starting the consultation, and marking as "left" at the end of the consultation.  Some clinicians do this at the end of the consultation in quick succession when recording notes and so the data for true consultation times will be inaccurate for these staff members.  Equally the time between booking and starting a consultation will be affected by timed embargos on the appointment slots so will need to be interpreted within that context.

Exporting results

When viewing the report you wish to export, you can select "Export":

You can then choose the format of the output and if you want to exclude the report header or not:

When you select "Ok" you will be asked to choose a location to save the output - from here you can then open the file using the programme you wish to use.

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