CQRS: Childhood Seasonal Influenza searches
The current version of CQRS: Childhood Seasonal Influenza is v4
The Childhood seasonal influenza indicators are extracted automatically from your system approximately 10 days after the end of the monthly reporting period. Practices have a short opportunity to check their data prior to extraction and maximise their income potential. For reviewing data in historic months, the relative run date may be any date in the month following the achievement period (eg: for the achievement period of September, any date in October can be selected).
This article assumes the reader has access to CQRS, and can interpret the descriptions of payment indicators; only payment indicator codes are used below.
CFLU006 | Monthly
count of the number of patients aged two or three years (but not aged less than two years or aged four years
or over) on 31 August 2023 who
have received a first dose of the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) given by the GP practice
within the reporting period. |
CFLU007 | Monthly
count of the number of patients aged two or three years (but not aged less than two years or aged four years
or over) on 31 August 2023 who
are eligible for a second dose and who have received a second dose of the LAIV seasonal
influenza vaccine given
by the GP practice within the reporting period.
CFLU008 | Monthly
count of the number of patients aged two or three years (but not aged less than two years or aged four years
or over) on 31 August 2023, for whom the LAIV vaccine was contraindicated,
who have received a first dose of QIV seasonal
influenza vaccine given
by the GP practice within the reporting period. |
CFLU009 | Monthly
count of the number of patients aged two or three years (but not aged less than two years or aged four years
or over) on 31 August 2023,
for whom the LAIV vaccine was contraindicated, who are eligible for a second
dose and who have received a second dose of the QIV seasonal influenza vaccine given by the GP practice
within the reporting period |
Missed Activity
Due to the tightly defined cohort, and the combination of two indicators for the nasal spray (LAIV) and two indicators for the vaccination, few if any patients will appear in the Missed Activity reports, only if the incorrect code has been used. Nevertheless these reports have been produced in line with all of the other CQRS folders.
Reports to help review potential data can be found in the Missed Activity folder, named with the indicator code followed by an X. If the searches have run, highlight the report and press View Results from the ribbon or right click for the quick menu.
The missed activity reports for CQRS have been designed in a standard fashion for ease of understanding.
INVALID - data in the INVALID column means that activity has been found but with a different code that may indicate claimable activity. This column only focuses on the code and not on the age or the interval, meaning the report may need to be re-run or work out the time criteria yourself offline.
Always check the 0% searches to ensure that single patients from the denominator are not missed!
The Full Hierarchy button on the ribbon can make checking the parent searches of 0% searches easier.
Review the
CQRS article for points to consider when using these searches.
The business rules and code cluster lists for enhanced services can be found on the
NHS Digital website.
While the main searches have been built to closely mirror the business rules, there is a creative element to the denominator searches. Where the main search isn't 100%, don't discount that there are other factors which erroneously brought the patient into the denominator search. PCIT is always happy to hear about problems, but is unable to assist with every query why a specific patient is/isn't included.
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