This protocol allows users to check patients to see if they are eligible for a influenza vaccination.
Resource type:
This protocol is part of the PCIT toolset product.
What does it do?
This protocol is available for users to launch manually to check whether patients are eligible for a influenza vaccination.
- You will need to select patient
- The protocol can be launched separately via the F12 protocol launcher list.
- There are a number of aspects this protocol checks for (in the background) prior to you seeing a message:
- Whether the vaccine has already been administered
- Eligibility criteria
- Allergies or contraindications
- Vaccine declined
- A message will appear (see below screenshots), depending on which route (from the above checks) the protocol has taken.
- You can then select an appropriate action from the message displayed
Why is it important?
This protocol will help team members quickly and efficiently identify if a patient is eligible for their vaccination. This is important because it saves time within general practice, as well as ensuring accuracy.
What does it look like?
See below screenshot which shows an example of the protocol in use:
If the patient being checked is eligible for an Flu vaccination, the below message will show, which will change slightly depending on which vaccination they require:
Eligible patients who are housebound will also terminate with this alert. If the alert appears, consider whether housebound coding is correct.
Many Practices maintain a visit list for flu jabs, either administered by District Nurses, or Practice staff who go out to visit housebound patients. If your Practice follows a different process, inform all staff who will use HP247 what they should do instead.
If the patient being checked is NOT eligible for a influenza vaccination the below message will show depending on criteria:
In this final example the patient does not meet the age or clinical risk criteria for vaccination, even if they have received an influenza vaccination in previous years. A clinician would need to review the record and add the code 'Needs influenza vaccination' to ensure payment.
Once eligibility has been confirmed, users are asked if the patient wants to book an appointment.
These next instructions show after confirming that the patient wants to book an appointment now.
After pressing OK on the display text box, a diary entry is automatically added (which will be automatically completed when the HP248 Flu administration protocol is used), and then the Book Appointment screen opens.
If the patient didn't want to book an appointment immediately, a simple prompt is shown to the user. No further action is taken, and any red box eligibility alerts will continue to show.
If the patient is not interested in having a flu jab, Seasonal influenza vaccination declined [822931000000100] will be added to the record. This helps by removing the patient from searches for recall or further prompts by clinicians checking the red box. Declining a patient may also support the Practice's/PCN's achievement of IIF flu indicators by removing the patient from the denominator population.
How to get it
This Handy Protocol can be accessed via your OneLauncher Admin under Eligibility checkers, or it can be directly added to your f12 menu.
System Dependencies
System Triggers
System trigger: N/A
Run mode: N/A
Enable trigger for: N/A