HP003 - AF Detector 1 - Pulse Rhythm Checker

HP003 - AF Detector 1 - Pulse Rhythm Checker


The purpose of the HP003 - AF Detector 1 - Pulse Rhythm Checker is to increase pick up of atrial fibrillation by trigger recording of the rhythm of the pulse whenever pulse is entered.

Resource type

The HP003 - AF Detector 1 - Pulse Rhythm Checker is a Base Handy Protocol. These means all users will have this by default.

Supporting key areas 
Managing risks 
Assessing needs and delivering evidence based treatment
Staff skills and knowledge
Supporting people to live healthier lives 
Timely access to care and treatment
Vision and strategy
Culture of the organisation 
Management of risk and performance
Learning, improvement and innovation 

System Dependencies: 
This protocol depends on your clinicians coding the  recording of pulse rate. Your clinicians may need to be informed of the importance of this. 

Automatic triggers 
System Trigger: Add a code
Run mode: Always run 
Enable trigger for: All clinicians 
Clinical codes: Pulse rate C= 78564009, D= 130365016

Fitting your practice 

As with all alerts you need to consider the volume of pop ups you currently have in operation: there is a real risk of "alert fatigue" if you have too many. This will differ from practice to practice. 

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