Same day diabetes foot access (HP012)

Same day diabetes foot access (HP012)

This protocol will trigger when booking appointments for diabetics with recorded increased foot risk to ask the receptionist to enquire about whether it is a foot problem that needs looking at so that the appointment can be appropriately prioritised.

What does it actually do?

The protocol performs the following functions:
  1. When booking an appointment, checks to see if the patient has diabetes
  2. Checks if the foot risk has been completed within the past 10 months
  3. Checks if the latest foot risks are increased
  4. If foot risk is increased, prompts the user to consider if an urgent appointment is needed for a foot problem.

What does it look like?

Supporting CQC key areas

Medicines management
  • S2 How are risks to people who use services assessed, and their safety monitored and maintained?
  • S4 Do staff have all the information they need to deliver safe care and treatment to people who use services?
  • S5 What is the track record on safety?
  • S6 Are lessons learned and improvements made when things go wrong?
Assessing needs and delivering evidence-based treatment
Staff skills and knowledge
  • E1 Are people’s needs assessed and care and treatment delivered in line with current legislation, standards and evidence-based guidance to achieve effective outcomes?
  • E3 Do all staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment?
Person-centred care
Taking account of the needs of different people
Timely access to care and treatment
  • R1 Are services delivered to meet people’s needs?
  • R2 Do services take account of the needs of different people, including those in vulnerable circumstances?
  • R3 Can people access care and treatment in a timely way?
  • W1 Is there the leadership capacity and capability to deliver high-quality, sustainable care?
  • W2 Is there a clear vision and credible strategy to deliver high-quality sustainable care to people who use services, and robust plans to deliver?
  • W3 Is there a culture of high-quality, sustainable care?
  • W4 Are there clear responsibilities, roles and systems of accountability to support good governance and management?
  • W5 Are there clear and effective processes for managing risks, issues and performance?
  • W6 Is robust and appropriate information being effectively processed and challenged?
  • W7 Are the people who use services, the public, staff and external partners engaged and involved to support high-quality sustainable services?
  • W8 Are there robust systems and processes for learning, continuous improvement and innovation? 

System Dependencies:

Relies on EMIS being used to book appointments and an accurate record of foot risk being recorded for patients.  
System Trigger

System Trigger: Book an appointment
Run mode: Always run 
Enable trigger for: All users

Fitting your practice

Your reception team who are booking appointments need to know that this alert will flag for those patients who are at high risk of complications (or don't have a risk recorded) with foot problems.

How to get it

This is an optional handy protocol and installation can be requested via support ticket.

Support Information

Development Log


Published 29/10/2024.
Release notes: Updated for Resource Publisher. Improved concept logic to end protocol quicker for non-diabetic patients.


Published 6/12/22
Release notes: Concepts checked, formatting checked, annual review process, decided to be made an optional handy protocol (previously Base) based on customer feedback and expert panel opinion.

Communications Log

Primary Care IT has decided to make the handy protocol "Same day diabetes foot access" an optional handy protocol. This is based on feedback from customers. This will mean we will be removing the triggers for this on the next update to your sites. If you want to continue to have this alert trigger, please request this via the PCIT hub or contact support.

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