HP063 HbA1c Appropriate for Diagnosis
Type: Protocol
To ensure clinicians consider whether it is appropriate to use an HbA1c blood test for diagnosing diabetes, based on the patient's medical history and conditions that might affect test accuracy.
What does it do?
This protocol reviews the patient’s record to identify conditions that may invalidate the use of an HbA1c test for diagnosing diabetes. These include:
- Low eGFR (indicative of kidney impairment)
- Current or recent use of steroids
- Iron deficiency anaemia
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Alcoholism or liver disease
- Pernicious anaemia
- Pregnancy
- Marked hyperlipidaemia
When such conditions are identified, the protocol alerts the clinician and suggests alternative diagnostic methods or further investigation.
Why is it important?
This protocol helps ensure accurate diabetes diagnosis by flagging conditions that may interfere with HbA1c results. This reduces the risk of misdiagnosis, improves patient safety, and supports compliance with clinical guidelines. It also contributes to meeting QOF indicators and regulatory standards, including CQC requirements.
What does it look like?
See below screenshots which shows examples of the protocol in use:
System Dependencies
This protocol depends on accurate and consistent coding of the following clinical conditions:
- eGFR
- Steroid use
- Types of anaemia (iron deficiency, haemolytic, pernicious)
- Alcoholism and liver disease
- Pregnancy
- Hyperlipidaemia
Clinicians must be informed of the importance of coding these conditions to ensure the protocol functions as intended.
System Triggers
System Trigger: Manually launched
Change management considerations
Fitting your practice
Your team need to be aware that this protocol is available for use. For ease of use it can be found in the OneLauncher Prescriber, under the "Results Decision Support (QRISK, HbA1c, eGFR, Vit D, TSH)" option
How to get it
This protocol is automatically installed in your system.