PINCER08 Anticoag + Antiplatelet No PPI Prescribing (HP117)
This protocol will:
- help support the PINCER project, designed to help spot and prevent hazardous prescribing.
What does it actually do?
The protocol performs the following functions:
- Checks to see if the patient is on an anticoagulant or an antiplatelet
- If they are and it is attempted to issue an anticoagulant or antiplatelet (the one they're not on) and they don't have a PPI prescribed, the user is warned in keeping with PINCER
This supports the co-prescribing of Lansoprazole 30mg OD or Omeprazole 20mg OD where DOAC + Antiplatelets are being used.
This supports PINCER Query E
Query E
| Prescription of warfarin or a Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) and an antiplatelet in combination without co-prescription of an ulcer-healing drug
What does it look like?
The pop up alert looks like this:
System Dependencies:
This protocol is dependent on accurate coded information within EMIS web, contemporaneously recording information
System Trigger
System Trigger: Issue a drug
Run mode: Always run
Enable trigger for: All staff
Add Drug group, approved name or ingredient: All oral anticoagulants, all antiplatelets
Fitting your practice
Training staff on the protocol and the PINCER queries is important as they may then spot situations where hazardous prescribing exists but where past coding has been unreliable; for example, if the prescribing has occurred outside of the organisation.
How to get it
Development Log
Published 2/8/24
Release notes: Initial RP rebuild
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