OneCOPD (HP176)

OneCOPD (HP176)


This protocol generates a summary overview of observations and findings related to the management of a patient on the COPD register.

Resource type

HP176 is a Base Handy Protocol. These means all users will have this by default. This Handy Protocol can be found in your OneLaunchers, under the "disease review panels" option.

What does it do?

  • Checks that the patient is on the COPD register
  • Prompts users if the patient is not on the register (with an option to proceed to the summary)
  • Displays information about the patient

Why is it important?

This protocol helps to quickly summarise key pieces of information about a patient with a history of COPD.

What can it show?

  1. Smoking status
  2. GOLD stage
  3. FEV1
  4. MRC score
  5. Exacerbations
  6. BMI
  7. O2 sats
  8. Inhaler technique
  9. Use of oxygen
  10. Flu and pneumococcal vaccination status
  11. Engagement with pulmonary rehab

What does it look like?

See below screenshot which shows an example of the protocol in use:

System Dependencies

Relies on using the clinical system to code appropriate diagnoses and findings.

System Triggers

System trigger: F12
Run mode: Manual launch

Change management considerations

Your team needs to be aware that this Handy Protocol exists and can help to quickly see key points of information about the active patient.
All clinical and coding staff should be aware of the benefit of adding coded data to the patient's record.

How to get it

This is a base Handy Protocol is automatically installed in your system.

HP current version number:

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