Smear result (HP188)

Smear result (HP188)

HP188 Smear Result

Type: Protocol


The Smear Result protocol is designed to assist users in recording smear results systematically. It ensures consistent documentation of HPV results and cervical screening outcomes, while also defining appropriate follow-up actions. This protocol provides a streamlined process that displays previous results and follow-up plans for efficient decision-making.

What does it do?

  1. Guides users through the recording of smear results step by step.
  2. Ensures consistency in recording HPV results and cervical screening outcomes.
  3. Displays historical results and follow-up plans to inform current decisions.
  4. Defines follow-up actions based on recorded results to ensure continuity of care.

Why is it important?

This protocol supports:
  1. Quality of Care: Ensures that cervical screening results are consistently recorded and follow-up actions are clear and systematic.
  2. Compliance: Helps meet QOF indicators and relevant standards for cervical screening.
  3. Safety: Reduces the risk of missed follow-ups or inconsistent documentation.

What does it look like?

See below screenshots which show examples of the protocol in use:

System Dependencies

This protocol relies on:
  1. Clinicians coding HPV results and cervical screening outcomes accurately.
  2. Appropriate historical coding for previous smear results and follow-ups.
Note: Clinicians may need to be briefed on the importance of accurate and consistent coding for this protocol to function effectively.

System Triggers

System Trigger: Manually launched

Change management considerations

Fitting your practice 
Ensure clinicians are familiar with the workflow and understand the importance of consistent coding.

How to get it

This protocol is automatically installed in your system. You can access it via your OneLaunchers or directly on your f12 menus.

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