FP34D and Personally Administered Items Checker (HP207)

FP34D and Personally Administered Items Checker (HP207)



The FP34D form is used by practices to claim for certain high-volume personally administered vaccines.  The high-volume personally administered vaccines that can be to the form are (or a combination of these):
  1. influenza
  2. typhoid
  3. hepatitis A
  4. hepatitis B
  5. meningococcal
You can see more details about the FP34D process and forms at the NHSBA website.  

Personally Administered Items

During the course of a year, practices will also administer a large volume of Personally Administered (PA) items.  The list of PA items is extensive and subject to change.  For the definitive list see the FAQ article from NHSBA.  Common items include:
  1. anaesthtetics
  2. injections
  3. intrauterine devices
  4. contraceptive caps and diaphragms
  5. pessaries listed as appliances
  6. skin adhesives
  7. sutures and skin closure strips
  8. diagnostic reagents suck as schick tests and tuberculin tests

Why are these items important?

If you don't have an adequate process for recording the prescribing of these items, your surgery will not get reimbursed for the items used.  In a typical surgery, we often see 10's of thousands of potentially lost income from this single issue.  When you consider some of the items administered in the surgery are very expensive (think GNRH analogues which are hundreds of pounds for each injection), the losses from this can rapidly mount up


This protocol will:
  1. Ensure that any coded procedure has the correct FP34D or PA prescriptions generated by prompting the user
  2. Ensure that any FP34D prescriptions generated have the correct codes added for activity - frequently activities like this are funded through enhanced services, so if you don't record this adequately you also won't get funded for this.

What does it actually do?

The protocol performs 2 important functions:
  1. Every time a code is entered that could be associated with an FP34D or PA item, the protocol will check to see if there has been an appropriate prescription generated in the last 2 weeks.  Where there hasn't, the user is prompted to generate a prescription, or task somebody else to generate the appropriate prescriptions.
  2. Every time a drug has been issued for a FP34D or PA item, the protocol will check to see if there has been an appropriate code added to the patients record to ensure the activity has been properly recorded.  This is important as much of this work is funded through locally enhanced services.

What does it look like?

There are too many alerts to show all of them in a support article, however we have provided a few examples below so you get an idea of their appearance:  

Supporting CQC key areas
Managing risks
Medicines management
Monitoring outcomes and comparing with similar services
Staff skills and knowledge
Leadership capacity and capability
Vision and strategy
Culture of the organisation
Governance and management
Management of risk and performance
Management of information
Learning, improvement and innovation

System Dependencies:

There are no dependencies for this protocol

System Trigger

This is set to load on save patient record.

Fitting your practice

Because this protocol only triggers when needed, there aren't any alterations needed to your practice.

How to get it

This protocol is automatically installed in your system.  

Communications Log

Primary Care IT are pleased to announce the release of our FP34D and Personally Administered Item protocol for SystmOne.  This will check that all FP34D and PA items have appropriate prescriptions generated to protect practice income and conversely that when prescriptions are generated that this activity is coded.  An average practice will lose over £10k in a year by not recording the prescriptions for FP34D and PA items, so this protocol will prevent this from happening.  This will be shared with all subscribers starting tomorrow (18/3/23).

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