RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) alert (HP336)
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) alert (HP336)
Type: Protocol
To highlight eligibility for the RSV vaccine in older adults
Due to complexities of coding, this alert does not currently highlight where pregnant women would be eligible. Pregnant patients who have not had an RSV vaccine will still show as eligible in searches and the OneTemplate.
Resource type:
What does it do?
- Informs the user that the current patient would be eligible to receive an RSV vaccination, and has not yet received one
- Double clicking on the alert loads a small template, allowing the user to record the vaccination or document that the patient has declined the offer of vaccination.
Why is it important?
This protocol alert reminds users to offer the RSV vaccination to eligible patients to protect them against the respiratory disease, whilst also improving uptake across the cohort.
What does it look like?
See below screenshot which shows an example of the protocol in use:
System Dependencies
This protocol depends on your clinicians correctly coding RSV vaccinations and declined offers of vaccination. Your clinicians may need to be informed of the importance of this.
System Triggers
System Trigger: Load patient record
Run mode: Always run
Enable trigger for: All users
Change management considerations
Fitting your practice
As with all alerts you need to consider the volume of pop ups you currently have in operation: there is a real risk of "alert fatigue" if you have too many. This will differ from practice to practice.
How to get it
This protocol is an optional Handy Protocol. You can request we activate this for you or find and activate this yourself.
HP current version number:
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