IIF VI-01 / VI-02 / VI-03

IIF VI-01 / VI-02 / VI-03

VI-01 (NCD002)

Percentage of patients aged 65 years or over, who received a seasonal influenza vaccination between 1 September and 31 March

This indicator is looking at patients born before 1st April 1958. There are some exclusions for patients with a history of vaccine allergy, or a contraindication coded in the past 12 months.
Unlike the Seasonal Influenza Enhanced Service, this indicator also looks at vaccinations administered elsewhere (eg: pharmacy, hospital), so ensure that these are all coded. If patient responses suggest a pharmacy is not sending vaccination data, it is worth following up to ensure the information is sent.
The denominator can be reduced (thereby improving the overall achievement) by coding vaccination declined codes. As this indicator has a reasonably high number of points allocated to it, getting declined codes is worth doing.
When coded at least 7 days apart, two invitations to flu clinics also serve as a means of reducing the denominator. 

VI-02 (NCD003)

Percentage of at-risk patients aged 18 to 64 years inclusive who received a seasonal influenza vaccination between 1 September and 31 March

This indicator is looking at patients born between 1st April 1958 and 31st March 2005, who are defined as clinically at risk. The scope of being clinically at risk is similar to the Seasonal Influenza Enhanced Service, except not patients who are currently pregnant. Patients with splenic dysfunction and anybody living in a care home not covered under any other at risk definition (or VI-01) are also included. 
There are some exclusions for patients with a history of vaccine allergy, or a contraindication coded in the past 12 months.
Unlike the Seasonal Influenza Enhanced Service, this indicator also looks at vaccinations administered elsewhere (eg: pharmacy, hospital, workplace), so ensure that these are all coded. If patient responses suggest a pharmacy is not sending vaccination data, it is worth following up to ensure the information is sent.
The denominator can be reduced (thereby improving the overall achievement) by coding vaccination declined codes. As this indicator has a reasonably high number of points allocated to it, getting declined codes is worth doing.
When coded at least 7 days apart, two invitations to flu clinics also serve as a means of reducing the denominator. 

Another point Practices sometimes miss is that VI-02 is only looking at those who are clinically at risk. There will be no correlation between the 50-64 vaccination Enhanced Service cohort (anybody within that age range) and the 50-64 group found in VI-02 (who also have an eligible condition).

VI-03 (NCD004)

Percentage of patients aged two or three years on 31 August of the relevant financial year who received a seasonal influenza vaccination between 1 September and 31 March

This indicator is looking at patients born between 1st September 2018 and  31st August 2020 which covers two ‘academic’ years. Normally patients would be vaccinated using an intranasal dose, but a jab is acceptable too.
There are some exclusions for patients with a history of vaccine allergy, or a contraindication coded in the past 12 months.
Unlike the Seasonal Influenza Enhanced Service, this indicator also looks at vaccinations administered elsewhere (eg: pharmacy, hospital, workplace), so ensure that these are all coded. If patient responses suggest a pharmacy is not sending vaccination data, it is worth following up to ensure the information is sent.
The denominator can be reduced (thereby improving the overall achievement) by coding vaccination declined codes. As this indicator has a reasonably high number of points allocated to it, getting declined codes is worth doing.
When coded at least 7 days apart, two invitations to flu clinics also serve as a means of reducing the denominator. 

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