Make sure you save the file you want to import in a place you can identify easily as you go through this process.
The process is slightly different for this depending on whether your surgery uses template manager or resource publisher:
- Click on the EMIS button
- Click on configuration
- Click on resource publisher
If you don't have a folder called "Primary Care IT"
Within resource publisher or template manager click "Add" and "folder"
Add folder name of Primary Care IT into this box:
And click save.
Repeat the above steps in concept manager and in library items if you don't already have Primary Care IT folders in these areas.
Importing the template
Select the folder "Primary Care IT" by clicking on it to highlight it (1) and then click import (2):
Locate the file that you have been sent that contains the template using the browser and click open.
When you are asked which folders you want to import the concepts and library items to, select the respective Primary Care IT folders.
When this process is complete you should find the template imported into your system and it will be ready to use.

Occassionally with template importing issues occur which cause EMIS to crash. Unfortunately we are unable to support non-subscribers with this issue. If you are a subscriber, we would manage this install process for you.