Local Enhanced Services within the OneTemplates

Local Enhanced Services within the OneTemplates

Where to find your Local Enhanced Services information:

In the Relevant Contract Areas page

The relevant contract areas page shows all contract elements are relevant to your patient (whether they have been completed or not), this includes QOF, IIF and Local contracts that are disease related.

In the Contract Outstanding page

The contract outstanding page shows all contract elements that are outstanding for the current contract year, including QOF, IIF and Local Contracts that are disease related.

In the LES page

Within the OneTemplate Prescriber and Non-Prescriber and the OneContract template you will find a page called "Local Contracts".  This contains all of your Local Enhanced Service specifications that are not disease related.  These are ordered alphabetically, and they will also only show relevant LES to the patient you have open (e.g. a diabetic patient will show any Diabetic LES, whereas a non-diabetic will not display this information).  An example of a LES page is below:

In the detailed disease area pages

As well as being in the contract pages or Local Contracts page, PCIT ensures that where there is a Local Enhanced Service that is directed at a specific condition (eg: SMI) that this is included at the top of the condition specific page within the OneTemplate.  This is so that when clinicians go to the more thorough review of conditions, they are reminded that there is a Local Enhanced Service and can quickly enter the information for this.  In the example shown below, the patient is on the mental health register and at the top of the mental health template you can see the LES information:

In the treatment room or wound care page

Where there are treatment room activities which are funded by Local Enhanced Services, these are shown within the Treatment Room or Wound Care pages.  In these pages we replicate the standard useful information that PCIT subscribers receive, as well as flagging any codes or particular requirements needed for your Local Enhanced Services. In the example below you can see the appearance of the LES for Dermoscopy and Phlebotomy:

What kind of information is displayed?

Our LES templates follow a simple layout for ease of use.  We keep the data entry points and narrative to a minimum so it is easy to see what needs completing to achieve the LES targets.  Each area starts with a brief narrative around the requirements of the LES.
In keeping with all contractual information, data points that fulfil LES specifications are marked with a start (*) at the beginning.
At the bottom of each LES section, we link to any support articles relating to that LES area - for example where we have an alert where that template may be used.  Clicking on this link will take you to the information about the supporting resource.
At the bottom of each LES section we also create downloads of the latest version of the Local Enhanced Service specifications that we hold - so if as a user you want to see more detail you have this easily to hand.
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