Mail merging documents to patients identified in searches
In EMIS it is possible to mail merge a document against a list of patients identified in a search. This can be useful where you want to bulk send letters to patients.
To do this, identify the search you want to bulk add the document to:
In this example we're going to add a document to the patients identified in the search "On ACEi or ARB no U&E in last 12m", by clicking on "Mail Merge" in the top ribbon bar. The following box will appear:
You can choose to bulk add the document to the patients included (all those identified by the search) or excluded (those not included in the output of the search).
The following options will appear, find the document you want to mailmerge by using the magnifiying glass at the top right:
You should then be able to navigate and then find the document you're looking for. In this example, we're going to add the document Hydrochlorothiazide risk letter - double click this letter to add it:
You will be taken back to the previous dialogue box. Select the printer you want to use to print the mail merged documents. Also select "Save in Patient Record" if you want to add the document to the patient record (with the associated code) as well as printing it.
When you're ready, click on "Ok" to perform the function. You will see the following box:
And the merge will have been completed.
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