Information within this training package is colour coded:
We have put together a collection of tools and utilities that will help you to recall a diverse population, with varying health needs, conditions and intervals for their health checks in a way that fits into the workflow of a busy practice. All members of the primary care team have a role and so there are roles for everyone in the smooth running of the OneRecall system. No recall system can hope to be all-encompassing or responsive to each of the detailed individual needs of all patients but this system helps to logically address many key health needs included in the NHS England Quality and Outcome Framework and some additional common population areas.
When implementing, care should be taken to understand what the recall system does and doesn’t do. Training is essential in each of the key team roles, including Recall Administration Team, Reception, Clinicians and clinical support staff such as Health Care Assistants. We've written this guide to give you the resources and suggested timelines for deployment of OneRecall within your practice.
Go to population reporting and find the PrimaryCare IT Folder. Within this you will find the sub folder OneRecall Package - PrimaryCare IT.
A) Surgery List (Not Housebound, DN Caseload, Residential Institution) and
H) Housebound, DN Caseload, Residential Institution
Double click on any of the four rules noted with *PCode* and * Insert Street No. of institution here * :
Use one rule for each care home, completing both Postcode and Number & Street
More rules can be added if you have more than 4 facilities by clicking on one of the rules and pressing copy and paste in the top menu bar
If you do this, make sure you adjust the rules for passing and failing as shown below
Rule: A) Surgery List (Not Housebound, DN Caseload, Residential Institution)
Rule: H) Housebound, DN Caseload, Residential Institution