This template is for use by clinical coders when receiving external communications from other agencies.
What does it actually do?
It is designed to contain everything a clinical coding team would need to process letters, record relevant information for QOF and ensure that all information received from third parties is recorded accurately and with consistent coding.
This includes:
- Recording the type of communication received
- Recording a 111 disposition
- Recording a cancelled/rearranged/DNAd appointment
- Recording admissions and discharges
This page allows for the recording of important social information - such as smoking or alcohol intake, as well as common examinations such as height, weight, BMI and blood pressure
This page allows for the recording of specific actions that may be required in primary care, such as:
- suture removal
- blood test
- GP review
- medication request
- onward referral
Allergies and adverse reactions
This page allows the user to record any allergies or adverse reactions
This page allows for specific information to be recorded about patients with a cancer diagnosis - recording:
- Chemotherapy
- Radiotherapy
- Hormone therapy
- Brachytherapy
It also gives users supporting information they may wish to send to the patient as well as allowing the recording of gold standards framework status
On this page, users can record screening information about:
- Cervical screening
- Breast screening
- Bowel cancer screening
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
- Retinal screening
This page allows for the recording of common procedures undertaken in secondary care settings, such as:
- Biopsy
- Appendicectomy
- Cholecystectomy
- Tonsillectomy
- Colonoscopy
- Cystoscopy
- Colposcopy
- Duodenoscopy
- Endoscopy
- Gastroscopy
- Laparoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy
Common scores
Users can record common scoring metrics here - such as PHQ9 or GPCOG amongst others
This page allows for the standardised recording of results - for blood results, cardiology results (echo etc) or radiology.
This page allows users to record fractures and flags for consideration of fragility fractures.
QOF New diagnoses
Where a new diagnosis has been recorded in a communication, users can check on this page to see the requirements for this diagnosis in QOF. This means that this data can be recorded in a straightforward way, minimising the chasing up or correcting of coding later on.
QOF Existing diagnoses
This page will show areas of QOF where the patient already has a diagnosis, and will show what data is needed for these areas, so that if any of the data needed is recorded in the communication then this can be added to the record easily, using the correct codes.
What does it look like?
The following are a couple of examples of the pages, and how they appear:
Supporting CQC key areas
Safeguarding and protection from abuse
Managing risks
Medicines management
Assessing needs and delivering evidence-based treatment
Monitoring outcomes and comparing with similar services
Staff skills and knowledge
How staff, teams and services work together
Consent to care and treatment
Privacy and dignity
Person-centred care
Taking account of the needs of different people
Timely access to care and treatment
Leadership capacity and capability
Vision and strategy
Culture of the organisation
Governance and management
Management of risk and performance
Management of information
Learning, improvement and innovation
System Dependencies:
There are no dependencies for this template.
Fitting your practice
There aren't any alterations needed to your practice to utilise this template. Your clinical coders need to know that it exists and how to find it.