Network contract directed enhanced service – guidance for 2024/25 in England – part B: Non-clinical
The NHS England document this support article relates to was published on 28th March 2024The majority of this document relates to technical guidance around the organisation of the PCN DES which is outside of the scope of this article. PCIT will focus on where there are differences from previous years and this may have an impact on funding or organisation of your PCN
What do I need to know?
Capacity and access payment (CAP)
The capacity and access payment has been increased by the funding provided by the retirement of the 3 IIF indicators. It is made up of two parts:
- 70% of the funding will be paid to PCNs proportionally according to the their adjusted population in 12 equal payments over the 2024/25 financial year. (This is referred to as National Capacity and Access Support Payment CASP in the guidance)
- 30% of the funding will be paid to PCNs based on the Network Clinical Director certifying that all practices have met all the conditions. (This is referred to as Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payments CAIP in the guidance)
National Capacity and Access Support Payment (CASP)
The National Capacity and Access Support Payment (CASP) can be used flexibly in a number of ways:
- implementing Modern General Practice, including enhanced care navigation processes and redesign of workflow (supported by the use of common digital tools)

This is a perfect description of what Primary Care IT provide for PCNs - so if you're not a subscriber please contact us!
- enabling PCN teams to participate in a facilitated conversation using the Support Level Framework. This useful tool, developed with general practices, helps practices to identify priorities for improvement, understand what support is needed and facilitiates the development of a focused and personalised improvement action plan
- enabling PCN practices to participate in the national general practice improvement plan and/or other local support offers, for example to backfill staff time for participation
- supporting and optimising available staff and capacity, such as backfill for clinical supervision of ARRS staff
- improving delivery of care to people living in care homes
- supporting the delivery and coordination of care continuity by practices and benchmarking for service improvement purposes.
Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payments CAIP
This has 3 areas. PCNs can apply for the funding for each at different times when they have achieved performance. They are allocated a third of the funding each.
- Better digital telephony
- Digital telephony solution implemented including call back functionality and each practice has to comply with the Data Provision Notice so data can be provided by the supplier to NHSE
- Digital telephony data is routely used to support capacity/demand service planning and quality improvement discussions
- Simpler online requests
- Online consultation is available for patients to make administrative and clinical requests at least during core hours
- Practices have agreed to Data Provision Notice so data can be provided by the supplier to NHSE
- Faster care navigation, assessment and response
- Consistent approach to care navigation and triage so there is parity between online, face to face and telephone access including the collection of structured information for walk in and telephone requests
- Approach includes asking patients their preference to wait for a preferred clinician if appropriate for continuity
Impact and Investment Fund
This highlights the removal of the 3 vaccination indicators, and confirms the use of Personal Care Adjustors (exceptions) for both indicators.
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