Standardised information
Standardise the information collected by your reception team, allowing rapid onboarding of new members (useful in times of high staff turnover) because they just follow the questions
Signposting directly to local services
Do you have local services like minor eye conditions clinics, minor injuries clinics or others that patients can book directly into? Have these signposted to your patients consistently to keep your appointments free for those needing them
Make the most of your additional roles
We localise PTP so that patients with suitable conditions are booked directly with your additional roles team members.
Clinical teams see quick summaries saving time
When your clinical team enter the patients record they can see a quick summary of the information entered (and if you’re an EMIS practice any other related useful information)
The process works as follows:
Initial screening information for local pathways or ARRS members suitability – tailored to your local availability.
Then signposting to pharmacy for common conditions is highlighted and the top conditions for contacting the surgery listed. When one of the options is selected the system goes on to ask further questions:
Includes how long and who else the patient has seen about the problem:
How long have you had the symptoms?
Have you seen or spoken to anyone about this issue?
Then asking about symptoms that will rapidly help the clinician.
Does the patient feel breathless?
Is the patient coughing up blood?
Has the patient had a fever?
Then when the clinician opens the record they get a concise summary, along with other important elements of the history or things to consider.
PT00037 PTP Launcher
PT00038 Duration of symptoms
PT00039 Abdominal Pain questions
PT00040 Combined Rash Temp Cough
PT00129 Chest pain questions
PT00130 Cough questions
PT00131 Diarrhoea and vomiting questions
PT00132 Ear questions
PT00133 Eye questions
PT00134 Shortness of Breath questions
PT00135 UTI questions
PT00136 Sore throat questions
PT00137 Back pain questions
PT00138 Mental health questions
PT00139 PTP GP