Prescription claims

Prescription claims

The current version of Prescription claims searches is v2.0
EMIS Web provides an FP34D Reports module which generates a list of high volume drugs which can be printed or transcribed onto a Practice's monthly FP34 appendix claim (pink or salmon paper).
The FP34 report can only identify medication issues from a specified set of vaccinations (which can be found in the Match Brands/Makers button).

High volume drugs are:
  1. Influenza
  2. Pneumococcal
  3. Meningococcal B
  4. Hepatitis A
  5. Hepatitis A + Typhoid (combined)
  6. Hepatitis A + B (combined)
  7. Hepatitis B
  8. Meningococcal ACWY
  9. Typhoid
The above list is only for vaccines purchased by the Practice for NHS work which were not administered for occupational purposes. This means no private vaccinations can be claimed, nor vaccinations for occupational reasons such as Hepatitis B (influenza for NHS staff especially if your own staff have been registered as TR is a grey area). Any vaccines which have been centrally procured such as Fluenz nasal spray cannot be claimed since the Practice did not purchase them.

Information appears on EMIS Web's FP34 report if a prescription was issued - often for these drugs it is recommended to issue as record for notes - in a calendar month. For centrally procured vaccines we advise to not issue a prescription.

The NHS Business Services Authority manages the claims, and offers some advice on claims here. We have attempted to replicate the columns as best we can, but Practices will need to make some adjustments prior to submission.

FP34D searches

Primary Care IT has produced a set of searches and reports to support claims.
The searches are designed to look at all registered patients (including left or deceased), and are set to look at the previous calendar month. If the report is generated early (at the end of the reporting month), remember to use a Relative Run Date.
Two aggregate reports (PPA-010b and PPA-011b) can be combined to produce a final claim. PPA-010b should closely resemble the FP34 report generated by EMIS Web, while PPA-011b has been built to identify any activity for which a prescription was not issued.

Before combining the aggregate reports, look at the list data produced in PPA-011a to verify that activity which was not scripted can still be claimed for. Remember to subtract any non-claimable activity from the corresponding figure in PPA-011b. The PPA-011 search and reports are likely to contain a lot of data during flu season, but much less between April and August.

The layout of PPA-010b is shown below, with all drugs separated by the Usual GP.

And the layout of PPA-011b

Claims are calculated for all patients, including those who have recently left or deceased. Users may need additional RBAC codes to view left or deceased patients in the list reports (PPA-010a; PPA-011a; PPA-012a).

Some Practices will find the output does not match how they operate their patient list system or claims. EMIS Web breaks down the FP34 claim by Usual GP which may not suit Practices operating script balancing; in this instance it may be possible to claim against the Authorising UserIf a Practice prefers to make a single claim against the Senior Partner, it is possible to make copies of reports PPA-010b and PPA-011b, deleting the first two fields.

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