Problems with loading templates

Problems with loading templates

A number of practices have highlighted to us that they are having issues with loading templates within EMIS.  As with most complex problems, there is a swiss cheese cause to many of the issues that occur.  In this article we're going to highlight the things that may affect the loading of templates within EMIS and what you can do to try to chase down what is causing your issues.  EMIS themselves are aware of the issue and are keeping updates related to this on this page on EMIS Now

The best way of avoiding issues with loading our templates is to currently use the F12 OneLauncher protocol for your user type.  As well as being able to launch your templates from here, you can also see the wider resources available to you.  You can see guides to how to set up your F12 for OneLaunchers as well as guides to each type of OneLauncher here

Clearing the cache

One of the easiest fixes to the "Out of memory" error is to clear the cache on your system.  You will need to do this reasonably regularly, moreso if you are regularly logging into a variety of sites (working across a PCN as a pharmacist for example).  There is a detailed instruction guide on how to do this here.  

Closing other processes that may be using memory on your system

You can check if this is causing your issues by opening task manager: alt-control-delete and then select "Task manager" or right click the windows toolbar and select task manager.  Go to Processes and kill all Teams and BlueBay processes. CPU use should drop from 100% to about 23% and memory from 100% to about 40%

Windows 10 specific issues

Windows 10 has a specific issue whereby Microsoft antivirus seems to cause a spike in resouce issues.  You can check if this is causing your issues by opening task manager: alt-control-delete and then select "Task manager" or right click the windows toolbar and select task manager.  Order by the CPU on the Processes tab. Task manager can be set to “always on top” from the options menu so it is visible whilst using EMIS Web.

Whilst using EMIS Web normally, if affected by the issue, you will see a process called “Antimalware Service Executable” (or if you prefer the Details tab view it will be called “MsMpEng.exe”) jump up in CPU usage and be at the top or close to the top of the highest CPU usage on the machine.  EMIS Web will “pause” during this spike and then return to normal once the Antimalware Service CPU returns to normal.

If this happens your IT support will need to change settings for you to stop Microsoft antivirus monitoring certain files.  There are instuctions for them to do this here.

Changing Page File size

This will probably need your IT support to do this for you:
Pagefile in Windows 10 is a hidden system file with the .SYS extension that is stored on your computer’s system drive (usually C:\). The Pagefile allows the computer to perform smoothly by reducing the workload of the physical memory, or RAM.

Simply put, every time you open more applications than the RAM on your PC can accommodate, the programs already present in the RAM are automatically transferred to the Pagefile. This process is technically called Paging. Because the Pagefile works as a secondary RAM, many times it is also referred to as Virtual Memory.

The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has, respectively. For example, if your computer has 1GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4GB.
By default, Windows 10 automatically manages the Pagefile according to your computer’s configuration and the RAM present in it. However, if you ever face lagging while working on Windows 10, or you start getting the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA or KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), managing the size of the Pagefile manually is the first thing you should look for.

Managing the Pagefile size manually in Windows 10 is simple. Here is how:
Use an administrator account to log on to Windows 10.
From the desktop screen, right-click the Start button to open its context menu.

Click System.
From the left pane of the System window, click Advanced system settings.

On the System Properties box, ensure that you are on the Advanced tab.
Click the Settings button from under the Performance section.

On the Performance Options box, go to the Advanced tab.
Click the Change button from under the Virtual memory section.

On the Virtual Memory box, uncheck the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives checkbox.
From the available list, click to select the drive on which Windows 10 is installed. (C: in most cases.)
From below the list, click to select the Custom size radio button.
In the now-enabled fields, type the minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile in megabytes (MB) according to the physical memory present in your computer.

Click Set and then click OK.
Restart your computer when you're done.

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