Running searches

Running searches

Running a whole folder of searches

If you want to run all of the searches within a folder, you can do this by following the instructions below:
  1. Highlight the folder in the navigation pane on the left side of EMIS so it is highlighted in blue
  2. Right hand mouse click on the folder
  3. Select run

You should now see all of the searches in the folder highlighting that they're queued and over time they will complete 
If EMIS is busy, searches can sometimes queue for some time.  They tend to run a lot faster in the evenings or at weekends.

Running a single search or report

In the main pane of EMIS reporting, select the individual search or report that you wish to run, right hand mouse click on this and select run:

You should now see all of the searches in the folder highlighting that they're queued and over time they will complete 
If EMIS is busy, searches can sometimes queue for some time.  They tend to run a lot faster in the evenings or at weekends.

Relative Run Dates

Sometimes it can be useful to run the searches as if they were run on a different day in the past or the future. This might be for the first of the month (but it fell on a weekend), looking ahead to the end of the year, or even back to a previous year.
For this feature to work properly, the search definition should include relative date criteria. Fixed date criteria searches are generally less affected by relative run dates. 
Having selected Run, press Advanced options.

The prompt box expands to show a date. Set the date you want EMIS to reference for running the search.

Depending on the search you selected to run, you can tick the box to force EMIS to re-run the parent search and/or run child searches. If you are editing or testing child searches, unticking Re-run parent search can save minutes of waiting for parent searches (denominators) to run which will produce the same result.

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