Seasonal influenza Immform uptake reporting

Seasonal influenza Immform uptake reporting

This folder, found within folder 016 Seasonal Influenza, is provided for use whenever the automatic Immform extract fails. Practices are able to use this folder to quickly collate the numbers required for a manual submission.

Immform reporting

The Immform Reporting folder sits as folder E within folder 016.

Within the folder are currently 8 audit reports. These have been built using the defined age groups and at-risk groups to present data in an order consistent with the Immform submission portal. 

  1. Immform Main Reports 1a and 1b report on all patients and vaccinations
  2. Immform Main Reports 2a and 2b only report on at risk patients and vaccinations. The figures shown in these reports will be lower than in 1a and 1b.

Each report lists cohorts by age in the following order:
  1. Aged 65 and over
  2. Aged 6 months to under 2 years
  3. Aged 2 years to under 5 years
  4. Aged 5 years to under 16 years
  5. Aged 16 to under 50 years
  6. Aged 50 to under 65 years
For the 2023/24 season the cut-off for 16 is defined by a date of birth (born before 01/04/2008), while the cut-off for 65 is defined by those born before 01/04/1959.

Running the reports

It is best to run folder E rather than running individual audit reports. Set a relative run date of the last day of the reporting month. For reporting on the month of October, the relative run date should be 31/10/2023.

Once the audit reports have run, today's date will appear in a column to the right of the report name. Right click on the report and select View Results, or highlight the report and press View Results on the ribbon.

Each report breaks down the figures using the same groups as the corresponding Immform table:

At risk

For the definition of patients who are clinically at-risk, Primary Care IT has adopted modified versions of the risk searches used for the main 016 folder. SIV-A21 is a search that mirrors the business rules for the Seasonal Influenza Enhanced Service, and this has been modified to remove the final groups of healthcare professionals and carers. A rule allowing patients who have been coded with Needs influenza vaccination during the contract year is retained as this is used to define a patient who has been clinically assessed and found to be at-risk without having any other recognised at-risk code or condition.
A second search, SIV-A22, is used to capture more patients over the age of 16 who are commonly found to be at risk. This is based more on the PRIMIS codelists which identify a wider range of conditions than the Enhanced Service allows. It is expected however that vaccinated patients will be coded with Needs influenza vaccination otherwise they would not be counted for payment purposes.

Immform portal

For ease of use, the reports provided only provide data for the mandatory part of the manual submission form. It is possible to modify the report to breakdown the codes by the location but the output is highly dependent on the variation of codes used; any variation in the choice of code would create an extra column which would need to be manually combined.


If an Immform extract has partially run and you have been asked to retrospectively complete the dataset, be aware that the searches run in EMIS may differ from what Immform is showing. For the number of patients in the population this can be explained by registrations, departures or deaths, and even birthdays. For report 1a it is expected that the numbers should only vary a little. The figures counted for the at risk reports may vary more which is due to the use of eligibility codes. The defined at risk cohorts are very similar to that used for the majority of folder 016, although it has been restricted to patients with a clinical risk.

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