This protocol will:
- highlight patients who should be targeted for an SMR under the PCN DES for 2023/24
What does it actually do?
The protocol identifies the following patients:
- Those on high risk medications (NSAIDs), antiplatelet & anticoagulant combinations, or asthmatics on beta-blockers without actions taken
- Those with frailty
- Those in care homes
- Those on potentially addictive medication
- Those taking 10 or more medications
What does it look like?
Supporting CQC key areas
Medicines management
- S2 How are risks to people who use services assessed, and their safety monitored and maintained?
- S3 Are there reliable systems, processes and practices to ensure proper and safe handling of medicines?
- S4 Do staff have all the information they need to deliver safe care and treatment to people who use services?
Assessing needs and delivering evidence-based treatment
Staff skills and knowledge
- E1 Are people’s needs assessed and care and treatment delivered in line with current legislation, standards and evidence-based guidance to achieve effective outcomes?
- E3 Do all staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment?
- E4 How well do staff, teams and services within and across organisations work together to deliver effective care and treatment?
- E5 How are people supported to live healthier lives and how does the service improve the health of its population?
Person-centred care
Taking account of the needs of different people
Timely access to care and treatment
- R1 Are services delivered to meet people’s needs?
- R2 Do services take account of the needs of different people, including those in vulnerable circumstances?
- R3 Can people access care and treatment in a timely way?
- R5 Is consent to care and treatment always sought in line with legislation and guidance?
- W1 Is there the leadership capacity and capability to deliver high-quality, sustainable care?
- W2 Is there a clear vision and credible strategy to deliver high-quality sustainable care to people who use services, and robust plans to deliver?
- W3 Is there a culture of high-quality, sustainable care?
- W4 Are there clear responsibilities, roles and systems of accountability to support good governance and management?
- W5 Are there clear and effective processes for managing risks, issues and performance?
- W6 Is robust and appropriate information being effectively processed and challenged?
- W7 Are the people who use services, the public, staff and external partners engaged and involved to support high-quality sustainable services?
- W8 Are there robust systems and processes for learning, continuous improvement and innovation?
System Dependencies:
Relies on using the clinical system to code frailty and prescribe medications.
System Trigger
Document triggers here
System Trigger: Load a patient
Run mode: Always run
Enable trigger for: All clinical prescribers
Fitting your practice
Your practice pharmacists need to know that this is available.