QRISK3 Calculation in EMIS
QRISK3 Calculator (TM00202) Overview/Purpose The Primary Care IT QRISK3 Calculator Template finally integrates a well known and NICE recommended cardiovascular risk assessment tool into EMIS Web. It allows clinicians to estimate a patient’s 10-year ...
Local Enhanced Services within the OneTemplates
Where to find your Local Enhanced Services information: In the Relevant Contract Areas page The relevant contract areas page shows all contract elements are relevant to your patient (whether they have been completed or not), this includes QOF, IIF ...
OneTemplate Admin
Blue is for information and includes hints and tips ...
OneTravel Template
The OneTravel template has been developed to help clinicians in Primary Care record travel vaccinations with ease. It has the following pages: Introduction This page has useful links fo travel advice, as well as multiple pre-formatted text items for ...
OneTemplate Coding
Purpose: This template is for use by clinical coders when receiving external communications from other agencies. What does it actually do? It is designed to contain everything a clinical coding team would need to process letters, record relevant ...
The OneProcedure template has been developed to help clinicians in Primary Care record clinical procedures with ease. It has the following pages: Introduction Minor surgery Spirometry Steroid injection Support information Development Log v6.4 ...
OneTemplate NonPrescriber
Introduction This is a dynamic template for managing chronic disease - so only things that are relevant to the patient you have in front of you are displayed. For example, if the patient is diabetic the diabetes section will show; if they aren't it ...
Introduction to OneCalculator The PCIT OneCalculator template contains all of the clinical calculators that you might need when using EMIS Web. Clinical calculators are often lengthy and require many different questions or data points to be entered ...
OneTemplate Acute
Introduction This template aids data entry for the commonest consultation types in Primary Care. It can be especially useful for trainees, allied health professionals or even established GPs who just want a structured and evidence based way of ...
OneTemplate Prescriber
This is a dynamic template for managing chronic disease - so only things that are relevant to the patient you have in front of you are displayed. For example, if the patient is diabetic the diabetes section will show; if they aren't it won't. It's so ...