Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag information (RADF)
What is the Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag The Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag is a way of communicating reasonable adjustments that patients have between NHS organisations using the NHS spine. This means that all organisations using spine ...
Medical Examiner Process
Overview/Purpose This article covers the new Medical Examiner Referral process. We explain: Background information about the process Important changes to be aware of How to find resources within the PCIT toolset to make the process as smooth as ...
Making Protocols Inactive
How to make Protocols Inactive: Protocols are designed to draw important information to your attention when you retrieve a patient record, or if a patient is in a particular report. However, there maybe some Protocols that are not relevant to your ...
Making Patient Status Alerts Inactive
How to make Patient Status Alerts Inactive: Patient status alerts are designed to draw important information to your attention when you retrieve a patient record, for example smoking status, asthma. However, there maybe some Patient Status Alerts ...
Reviewing issued medication
If you wish to view more information about the issues of the medication then close the above template boxes and return to the main patient record. On the left hand side of the screen look for ‘Repeat medication’. This may be in different locations ...
Adding messages to prescriptions for certain action groups
Within SystmOne, surgeries can add individual messages to drug groups for patients to receive on their prescriptions. To do this, go to Setup->Prescribing->Action group descriptions: This will show you the following screen. You can either scroll to ...
Hide patient details for support
If you are sharing your screen for remote support or if you are taking a screen capture, it is imperative to hide patient details. This is easily achieved in SystmOne and results in the demographic box showing the words "Patient details ...