004 GP Contract Pro Searches

004 GP Contract Pro Searches


We have created some helpful searches and reports to make achieving QOF indicators more efficient for you and your practice. This set of searches cover QOF, including QOF VI (vaccinations and immunisations). The searches and reports can be accessed under the 004 GP Contract Pro folder within population reporting.

The search folder is shown in the below screenshot:

Additional support articles as well as other training resources mentioned below will help you work through these searches and reports to simplify the achievement of many QOF indicators.


Working through our GP contract pro searches and reports can help to:
  1. Maximise QOF points in a simplified way; these resources have been created to help users maximise their QOF points. However, we have taken into account this is often a lot of work, therefore, we have streamlined the process to make it as efficient as possible to achieve these indicators.
  2. Ensure targets and patient care needs are met; the searches and reports are aimed to help you accurately achieve the indicators, whilst also helping practices deliver the care patients need.
  3. Save time and effort; the searches and reports are created in a way to provide users with as much relevant information as possible to save looking through individual patient records. The support articles and other training materials will support the user to work through them as efficiently as possible. There is also no need to spend time creating your own searches or reports to support these QOF indicators.


The PCIT Academy can be accessed via our website.

Training courses for our products can be found within the PCIT Academy.

Click this link to access the courses for the GP Contract Pro product.
You will need to be an existing customer to access these courses.


Below are the population reporting (search) folders which you will find in your practice (if you are a subscriber to this product) under the GP Contract Pro heading search folder. Click the links below to go to the support articles which will help you understand and work through these searches and reports.

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