022 Meds Management: Antibiotic prescribing
The Antibiotic prescribing searches are designed to identify patients who have been prescribed antibiotics in the last 2 months which may help when conducting an audit of prescribing.
The Antibiotic prescribing folder forms part of 022 Meds Management
There are 3 separate searches built to identify patients issued either Cephalosporins, Co-Amoxiclav, or Quinolones in the past 2 months. It is possible for patients to appear in more than 1 search if multiple antibiotics have been issued.
To maximise auditing potential this folder can be run with a
relative run date to view a different time period. Running with today's date will find patients issued an antibiotic within the past 2 months, but setting the relative run date to a time 6 months ago will automatically look at a different period without having to edit the dates within the search.
Practices may find it useful to make multiple copies of these searches in their own folders if comparing different time periods, but should check back into folder 022 Meds Management for repeat audits in case there have been any updates.
Why are these areas important?
There is
strong evidence that Cephalosporins, Co-amoxiclav and Quinolones are associated with an increased risk of Clostridium Difficile infection. Multiple guidance and evidence suggests that use of these medications should be minimised
Evidence links:
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