CHOL003 - Patients on a statin or other lipid lowering drug
Indicator definition
Indicator ID | |
CHOL003 | Percentage of patients on the QOF Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), Stroke/Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) or Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Register who are currently prescribed a statin, or where a statin is declined or clinically unsuitable, another lipid-lowering therapy.
What do the business rules mean?
What makes a patient eligible?
Patients are eligible for the CHOL003 denominator if:
- they have a diagnosis at least one of:
- coronary heart disease (CHD)
- peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
- stroke or TIA
- chronic kidney disease (CKD) 3-5 diagnosis, as well as being aged at least 18 years old and there is no subsequent CKD resolved or CKD stage 1 or 2 code
- and they do not have a history of haemorrhagic stroke
- and they do not have an unresolved diagnosis of diabetes
How to achieve the indicator
To meet the criteria for CHOL003, eligible patients must have:
- been issued a statin in the last 6 months of the contract year
- any of the criteria in Group 1 and be prescribed a drug from Group 2 in the last 6 months of the contract year
Group 1: - Patient has a statin intolerance code recorded ever (or)
- Patient has chosen not to receive a statin during the contract year (or)
- Patient has a persisting statin contraindication recorded ever (or)
- Patient has an expiring statin contraindication recorded during the contract year
Group 2 (drugs):
- Bempedoic acid
- Ezetimibe
- Icosapent ethyl
- Inclisiran
PCSK9 inhibitor
What will remove patients from eligibility?
In approach 2, Statin declined is not strictly necessary, but would be good coding practice to use it.
SNOMED codes used in this indicator

The codes referenced in this article are taken from the NHS Technology Reference Update Distribution (
TRUD). Not all of these may be present or selectable in all clinical systems.
Codes indicating the patient is on maximal tolerated cholesterol lowering treatment (CHOLMAX_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
407568002 | Patient on maximal tolerated lipid lowering therapy |
Codes indicating allergy to bempedoic acid (BEMPACIDALL_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326571000000106 | Allergy to bempedoic acid |
Codes indicating adverse reaction to bempedoic acid (BEMPACIDADV_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326581000000108 | Adverse reaction to bempedoic acid |
Bempedoic acid contraindicated codes (BEMPACIDCON_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326611000000102 | Bempedoic acid contraindicated |
Bempedoic acid not indicated codes (BEMPACIDNIND_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326601000000104 | Bempedoic acid not indicated |
Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive bempedoic acid (BEMPACIDDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326631000000105 | Bempedoic acid refused
Codes indicating allergy to ezetimibe (EZETIMIBEALL_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326121000000101 | Allergy to ezetimibe |
Codes indicating adverse reaction to ezetimibe (EZETIMIBEADV_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326131000000104 | Adverse reaction to ezetimibe |
Ezetimibe contraindicated codes (EZETIMIBECON_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326711000000108 | Ezetimibe contraindicated |
Ezetimibe not indicated codes (EZETIMIBENIND_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326701000000106 | Ezetimibe not indicated |
Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive ezetimibe (EZETIMIBEDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326721000000102 | Ezetimibe refused
Codes indicating allergy to icosapent ethyl (ICOSAETHYLALL_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
Codes indicating adverse reaction to icosapent ethyl (ICOSAETHYLADV_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1556861000000103 | Adverse reaction to icosapent ethyl |
Icosapent ethyl contraindicated codes (ICOSAETHYLCON_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1556841000000104 | Icosapent ethyl contraindicated |
Icosapent ethyl not indicated codes (ICOSAETHYLNIND_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1556881000000107 | Icosapent ethyl not indicated |
Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive icosapent ethyl (ICOSAETHYDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
Codes indicating allergy to inclisiran (INCLISIRANALL_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1362871000000100 | Allergy to inclisiran |
Codes indicating adverse reaction to inclisiran (INCLISIRANADV_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1362881000000103 | Adverse reaction to inclisiran |
Inclisiran contraindicated codes (INCLISIRANCON_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1362051000000103 | Inclisiran contraindicated |
Inclisiran not indicated codes (INCLISIRANNIND_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1362041000000101 | Inclisiran not indicated |
Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive inclisiran (INCLISIRANDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1362061000000100 | Inclisiran refused
Codes indicating allergy to PCSK9 inhibitors (PCSK9IALL_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326141000000108 | Allergy to proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor |
1365331000000104 | Allergy to evolocumab |
1365431000000106 | Allergy to alirocumab
Codes indicating adverse reaction to PCSK9 inhibitors (PCSK9IADV_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326151000000106 | Adverse reaction to proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor |
1365341000000108 | Adverse reaction to evolocumab |
1365441000000102 | Adverse reaction to alirocumab
PCSK9 inhibitors contraindicated codes (PCSK9ICON_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326751000000107 | Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor contraindicat800ed |
1365371000000102 | Evolocumab contraindicated |
1365411000000103 | Alirocumab contraindicated
PCSK9 inhibitors not indicated codes (PCSK9ININD_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326741000000109 | Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor not indicated |
1365361000000109 | Evolocumab not indicated |
1365401000000100 | Alirocumab not indicated
Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive PCSK9 inhibitors (PCSK9IDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1326761000000105 | Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor refused |
1365381000000100 | Evolocumab declined |
1365421000000109 | Alirocumab declined
Adverse reaction to lipid lowering drug codes (LIPIDTHERADV_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
293417004 | Lipid-lowering drug adverse reaction |
Lipid therapy contraindicated codes (LIPIDTHERCON_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
135822005 | Lipid lowering therapy contraindicated |
Lipid therapy not indicated codes (LIPIDTHERNIND_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
135807000 | Lipid lowering therapy not indicated |
Lipid therapy declined codes (LIPIDTHERDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
135826008 | Lipid lowering therapy declined |
Cholesterol invite codes (CHOLINVITE_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
1109921000000100 | Quality and Outcomes Framework quality indicator-related care invitation |
310879007 | Cholesterol reduction program - invited |
711471000000106 | Lipid disorder monitoring invitation |
716001000000100 | Lipid disorder monitoring first letter |
716461000000106 | Lipid disorder monitoring verbal invitation |
716741000000100 | Lipid disorder monitoring telephone invitation |
716751000000102 | Lipid disorder monitoring second letter |
Codes for intolerance to statins (STATININTOL_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive a statin prescription (STATINDEC_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
134396000 | Statin declined |
Statin contraindications (persisting) (XSTAT_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
16524331000119104 | History of rhabdomyolysis due to statin |
293432006 | 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor adverse reaction |
293433001 | Adverse reaction caused by simvastatin |
293434007 | Adverse reaction caused by fluvastatin |
293435008 | Adverse reaction caused by pravastatin |
294970008 | Allergy to 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor |
294971007 | Allergy to simvastatin |
294972000 | Allergy to fluvastatin |
294973005 | Allergy to pravastatin |
787206005 | Rhabdomyolysis due to statin |
Statin contraindications (expiring) (TXSTAT_COD)
SNOMED code | SNOMED code description |
134391005 | Statin not indicated |
315363002 | Statins contraindicated |
413174003 | Statin not tolerated
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