Estimated Creatinine Clearance Calculator (Cockroft Gault)

Estimated Creatinine Clearance Calculator (Cockroft Gault)

Estimated Creatinine Clearance Calculator (Cockroft Gault)

Where is this found?

The Estimated Creatinine Clearance Calculator (Cockroft Gault) can be found in:
  1. OneCalculator Template

What is the calculator for and who produced it?

This page allows the user to calculate an Estimated Creatinine Clearance using the Cockroft Gault formula.  This is recommended as the standard for drug dosing adjustments - being required for calculating if patients are on the correct dose of DOAC.

How should it be used?

The user should ensure that the required metrics of recent weight and creatinine have been entered and then calculate the score.

Interpretation of score

Users should review the drug specific advice within the BNF to understand the impact of the Estimated Creatinine Clearance on the drug the patient is taking.

What does it look like?

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