How to use the calculators:
Each of the clinical calculators contains a number of questions which need the appropriate answers entering. The answers to each of these can be selected by clicking on the drop down box next to the question.

A quirk of EMIS is that if you have clicked on the drop down box once, you have to click on the arrow on the right hand side of the template to open the options a second time.
Once an answer has been entered in all questions the score for the calculator can be obtained by clicking the "Calculate" button. When closing the template this score will be transferred to the record for saving. When the consultation is saved this data will be saved to the patients record.
Template overview and Introduction page
When initially loaded the template looks like this with each calculator hosted on a page accessible on the left hand side:
From the introduction page users can submit support tickets or development requests as well as providing users with the office telephone number for queries.