FeverPAIN Calculator

FeverPAIN Calculator

FeverPAIN Calculator

Where is this found?

The FeverPAIN Calculator can be found in:
  1. OneCalculator Template

What is the calculator for and who produced it?

The FeverPAIN score can be used to calculate the risk of a bacterial streptococcal throat infection within Primary Care

How should it be used?

Users have two options with this page. 
  1. The external link to the FeverPAIN website can be used to calculate the score on this site - there is then a section to paste the information back into the template for storing within the system. 
  2. The drop down boxes can be filled in and then the score calculated by adding the scores from the responses and then entering this in the template

Interpretation of score

The following scores are associated with the following risk of Streptococcus:
A score of 0 or 1 is associated with a 13-18% likelihood
A score of 2 or 3 is associated with a 34-40% likelihood
A score of 4 or 5 is associated with a 62-65% likelihood

What does it look like?

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