Safeguarding Information (HP011)

Safeguarding Information (HP011)

Safeguarding information (HP011)


This protocol will display your local safeguarding information within a Protocol Alert for all children and any vulnerable adults

What does it do?

  • Highlights the existence of safeguarding codes
  • Displays information about the date of the latest instance of multiple categories of safeguarding and vulnerable groups of codes when a mouse hovers over the alert
  • Loads a template to update safeguarding information when the alert is double clicked

Why is it important?

EMIS Web has a CP flag on the precis bar, but it is helpful to be aware of what is triggering the flag. This handy protocol also highlights a history of safeguarding in patients under the age of 25 where all episodes have ended and the CP flag removed, as the history may still be relevant.

What does it look like?

See below screenshots which show an example of the protocol in use:


System Dependencies

Relies upon accurate coding of all relevant safeguarding issues.

System Triggers

System trigger: Load record
Run mode: Always run
Enable trigger for: All staff

Change management considerations

Your team need to be aware that the protocol will trigger for appropriate patients and that double clicking it will give them more specific information.
See also HP010.

How to get it

This protocol is automatically installed in your system.  If you are waiting for installation and want us to prioritise your site, please submit a ticket to request this.

HP current version number:
2.0.0 - Consolidated alerts to reduce used space in alert box, and updated information within alerts.

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