What can I do about previous uncoded reports?
Aside from missing the trendline functionality, it probably doesn't matter much from a clinician's perspective that some results are not coded as it is still possible to search for text within a record. Some QOF, Local Enhanced Services, and the National Contract DES (IIF) contain rules which look for coded results. It is therefore important for these that certain types of test result are correctly coded.
Having identified and matched a code going forward, there isn't a lot you can do automatically code reports retrospectively - unfortunately the only way to correct is a manual process. To do this you need to view the lab reports archive in Workflow Manager - you do not have to be a global viewer to see everything.
Press the Report column to sort by report name. EMIS may hang for a few moments as it thinks, then use the page navigator in the bottom left hand corner to locate the type of report you want. Each page has 50 reports so start off by making some big jumps of hundreds of pages, then refining by tens of pages until you find the range you want. Aside from being sorted alphabetically by report name they should also be sorted chronologically within each range of reports.
Once the range has been identified it is possible to work through the reports and add a code - if you have already mapped a line with UC for a recent result, you can actually use the UC button on each archived report to link a code - JUST MAKE SURE THE SAME CODE IS USED EVERY TIME!
The alternative approach is to print a list of all the patients you wish to add a code to, then manually add it on the same date as the report. Your Practice can make a decision over how far back to update, but consider that only the current NHS year is likely to be of benefit to achievement metrics. Whilst this second approach will look less tidy in the record, any mistakes made during the coding exercise can be more easily rolled back.
It is worth noting that the exercise described here may result in a lot more reports being 'fixed' than are required for the IIF indicator. Consider taking a list of names from the Population Excluded list of [IIF-CAN02a] (found in [IIF subsets] folder) to assist in cherry picking patients just for IIF.