STIA014 - Stroke, age <80, BP 140/90 mmHg or less

STIA014 - Stroke, age <80, BP 140/90 mmHg or less

The information contained within this article is from version 49 of the Business Rules for Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).                                                                     

Indicator definition

Indicator ID



The percentage of patients aged 79 years or under, with a history of stroke or TIA, in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is 140/90 mmHg or less (or equivalent home blood pressure reading).

What do the business rules mean?

What makes a patient eligible?

Patients are eligible for the STIA014 denominator if they are on the Stroke register and are 79 years old or younger.

How to achieve the indicator

To meet the criteria for STIA014, eligible patients must have met one of the following requirements:
  1. a latest blood pressure measured in clinic (ie: one that is not ambulatory or home-based) that was at most 140/90mmHg
  2. a latest blood pressure which was from an ambulatory test that was at most 135/85mmHg
  3. a latest blood pressure measured at home by the patient that was at most 135/85mmHg

What will remove patients from eligibility?

  1. Patients who have been coded as receiving maximal blood pressure therapy in the contract year 
  2. Patients for whom Stroke quality care was unsuitable in the contract  year
  3. Patients who chose not to have their blood pressure recorded or undertake home blood pressure or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the contract year
  4. Patients who chose not to receive stroke quality indicator care in the contract year
  5. Patients who been invited twice (at least 7 days apart) for review with no subsequent blood pressure reading
  6. Patients whose most recent BP reading in the contract year was followed by two invites at least 7 days apart (ie: a raised result which needs re-checking)
  7. Patient who were diagnosed with a stroke in the last 9 months of the contract year
  8. Patients who were newly registered with the practice in the last 9 months of the contract year

If a patient achieves the indicator at any point during the year, any exclusions that have also been added are ignored.

What are the common pitfalls/what do I need to watch out for?

Separately coded systolic and diastolic values (especially for a clinic based reading) may not be counted towards the indicator. 
  1. Ensure all clinicians are aware of the coding requirements.
  2. Ensure all clinicians are aware of the blood pressure target thresholds and their impact on the indicator, especially towards the end of the contract year.

SNOMED codes used in this indicator

The codes referenced in this article are taken from the NHS Technology Reference Update Distribution (TRUD).  Not all of these may be present or selectable in all clinical systems.

Codes for clinic blood pressure readings (CLINBP_COD)


SNOMED code description


On examination - blood pressure reading

75367002Blood pressure
163034007Standing blood pressure
163035008Sitting blood pressure
163033001Lying blood pressure

Codes for home blood pressure readings (HOMEAMBBP_COD)


SNOMED code description


Self reported systolic blood pressure

1162735000Self reported diastolic blood pressure
413606001Average home systolic blood pressure
413605002Average home diastolic blood pressure
314446007Average day interval systolic blood pressure
314461008Average day interval diastolic blood pressure
314449000Average 24 hour systolic blood pressure
314462001Average 24 hour diastolic blood pressure
198081000000101Ambulatory systolic blood pressure
198091000000104Ambulatory diastolic blood pressure

Codes for maximal blood pressure (BP) therapy (HTMAX_COD)


SNOMED code description


Patient on maximal tolerated antihypertensive therapy

Codes for stroke quality indicator care unsuitable for patient (STIAPCAPU_COD)


SNOMED code description


Excepted from stroke quality indicators - patient unsuitable

Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to have blood pressure procedure (BPDEC_COD)


SNOMED code description


Blood pressure procedure declined

Codes indicating patient chosen not to undertake home blood pressure measurement (HBPM) (HOMEBPDEC_COD)


SNOMED code description


Home blood pressure monitoring declined

Codes indicating patient chosen not to undertake ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) (ABPMDEC_COD)


SNOMED code description


Ambulatory blood pressure recording declined

Codes indicating the patient has chosen not to receive stroke quality indicator care (STIAPCADEC_COD)


SNOMED code description


Excepted from stroke quality indicators - informed dissent

Invite for stroke care review codes (STIAINVITE_COD)


SNOMED code description

Quality and Outcomes Framework quality indicator-related care invitation


Quality and Outcomes Framework stroke and transient ischaemic attack quality indicator-related care invitation

Quality and Outcomes Framework stroke and transient ischaemic attack quality indicator-related care invitation using preferred method of communication
Stroke/transient ischemic attack monitoring first letter
Stroke/transient ischemic attack monitoring second letter
Stroke/transient ischemic attack monitoring third letter
Stroke/transient ischemic attack monitoring verbal invitation
Stroke/transient ischemic attack monitoring invitation
Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring telephone invitation

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