VI002 - 1st MMR given before 18 months of age

VI002 - 1st MMR given before 18 months of age

The information contained within this article is from version 49 of the Business Rules for Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).                                                                     

Indicator definition

Indicator ID



The percentage of children who reached 18 months old in the preceding 12 months, who have received at least 1 dose of MMR between the ages of 12 and 18 months.

What do the business rules mean?

What makes a patient eligible?

Patients are eligible for the VI002 denominator if they turned 18 months old during the service year, (ie: on the 31st March of the QOF year, the patient was at least 18 months old).

How to achieve the indicator

To meet the criteria for VI002, eligible patients must have received a Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccination from the date they turned 12 months until the age of 18 months

What will remove patients from eligibility?

  1. they have a contraindication to the MMR vaccine recorded before they reached 18 months of age
  2. they were registered after they reached 18 months of age (558 days old)

  3. they were registered after they reached 17 months of age (527 days old) and had not received their first MMR vaccine prior to registering

There are no Personalised Care Adjustments to remove a patient if vaccination has been declined. This is likely to make the indicator hard to achieve, either due to a small number of dissenting patients or due to transient populations where new patients completed a different vaccination schedule abroad.

If a patient achieves the indicator at any point during the year, any exclusions that have also been added are ignored.

Hints and tips for achieving this indicator

The PCIT searches can help you to identify patients that you need to action to achieve this indicator.  

SNOMED codes used in this indicator

The codes referenced in this article are taken from the NHS Technology Reference Update Distribution (TRUD).  Not all of these may be present or selectable in all clinical systems.

Codes for MMR vaccination contraindication (MMRCON_COD)


SNOMED code description


Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Measles morbillivirus antigen

275974002Measles/mumps/rubella vaccine contraindicated
293114004Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen
293119009Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Rubella virus antigen
293125008Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens
294650000Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen
294656006Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Rubella virus antigen
294662001Allergy to component of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens
719467000Measles vaccination contraindicated
719473004Rubella vaccination contraindicated

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