Enhanced service specification - weight management 2024/25
Which PCIT resources support deliver of this?
What are the aims of the Enhanced Service
The stated aims of this ES are:
- to support practices to develop and implement a proactive approach to the identification of patients living with obesity
- to work with wider system partners on developing pathways which incorporate multi-modal access options including online, telephone and face to face and to empower patients to actively provide and update their practice with this information online
- to support practices to engage with individuals living with obesity and following a conversation with the patient, to refer patients who are ready to make behavioural changes to appropriate weight management programmes
There are two components:
- Developing a supportive environment (staff training, identification of patients, discussion and maintenance of the obesity register)
- Patient support and referral
What do I need to do?
- Maintain your Obesity register, at a minimum to the level it was at 31st March 2023
- Train your staff on having sensitive discussions about obesity
- Develop a practice based approach to the identification and support of people living with obesity (identify patients, get up to date weights, have conversations about referral)
Maintain your obesity register
PCIT searches in folder 17 will show you your performance for this in folder 0) Cohorts. You can also use search ES-W005) Previously raised BMI needs reweighing to boost your performance.
Staff training
GP practices must assure themselves that those practice and PCN staff involved in referral and signposting conversations have the necessary skills and training on conversational approaches to lifestyle and weight management.
Other training resources include:
- Public Health England's Let's Talk About Weight
- Obesity programme
- Making every contact count
- Moving Healthcare Professionals programme
- Results of the BWeL trial
- A video from the BWeL trial on how to have effective referral conversations
- Royal College of General Practice
- Royal College of Physicians
In order to comply with this element of the ES you may wish to send an email with links to the above around to your teams, or ask one of your team members to make a presentation about these at your next clinical governance meeting.
Develop a practice based approach to the identification and support of people living with obesity (identify patients, get up to date weights, have conversations about referral
- are eligible for referral
- who need re-weighing
- may have incorrect coding of their referrals
This provides you with everything you need to achieve the Enhanced Service
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