Starting from April 1st, there will be updates to the GMS contract, which will also affect PMS and APMS contracts.
The global sum payment is set at £107.57 per patient, calculated based on the weighted population figure. All practices operating under GMS, PMS, and APMS contracts will see an increase of £2.84 per weighted patient, unless stated otherwise in specific contracts.
On average, practices in England are managing around 9,964 patients each.
For the Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF), initial aspiration payments are now at 80% of last year's achievement payments, with each QOF point now valued at £220.62. This adjustment reflects the increase in average practice list sizes. The Network Participation Payment is calculated at £0.147 per weighted patient.
Each completed Learning Disabilities Health Check will earn practices £140, while payments for vaccinations and immunizations remain steady at £10.06 per service.
On the PCN side, funding specifics include £2.916 per patient, with added stipulations for Enhanced Access and other designated payments that emphasize collaborative and integrated care strategies.
Weight management is funded at £11.50 per referral up to the maximum allocation per surgery.