Screening Resources
PCIT National Screening Programmes Alert highlights any patients who are overdue for cervical, breast, bowel or abdominal aortic aneurysm screening. This is an optional handy protocol and installation of this needs to be requested via support.
PHE Fingertips is a really good resource to understand your performance on a variety of cancer related areas. Our support article on how to navigate this information is available
Resources to support communication or practice processes
PCIT Info Hub has a variety of free resources that help optimise your Cervical Cancer Screening.
Early Cancer Diagnosis
The PCIT toolset has a number of optional handy protocols to highlight where cancer should be considered as a possible diagnosis. These are:
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer Radar will highlight if a patient should be reviewed to consider the possibility of lung cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer Radar will highlight if a patient should be reviewed to consider the possibility of pancreatic cancer
Referral Support
Optimisation of referral process and safety netting
PCIT have developed an
entire safety netting process, which allows practices to safety net from the point of referral until the clinician can be sure that the patients investigations have been completed. This encompasses FIT testing and involves the adoption of an entire process within the practice to track all and follow up all referrals. This is only available to Premium package subscribers as it relies on PCIT optimising and localising your local suspected cancer referral forms as well as building templates to support such referrals.
Referral document optimisation
Our Referral Tree for Premium package subscribers allows users to easily find optimised forms for suspected cancer referral:
Referral process optimisation
Premium package customers can be offered the use of region specific templates to streamline data entry (and check eligibility for referral) prior to the document being populated:
When working with ICB regions PCIT can also ensure that all required data points are entered prior to referral:
Safety Netting
2WW Referral Admin Chaser (HP022) can be used to safety net all suspected cancer referrals with patients as well as ensure secretarial teams are tasked about such referrals to be processed
FIT test management
IIF CAN04 Checker (HP291) can be used to check that the required tests have been made prior to colorectal referrals being made. Where this hasn't happened, the protocol will flag the requirements for this to the user.
Fit test pathway (HP290) can be used to help track the progress of investigations prior to colorectal referral and make sure that when a FIT test comes back everybody is aware of the action that is required.