EMIS searches monthly release schedule

EMIS searches monthly release schedule

The following tables show the version history of our searches releases and confirmed future releases. The Primary Care IT Deployment team will update the searches in your practice and Enterprise Search & Report site if we have been granted access. If you notice a difference in the version between here and your practice, please get in touch via a call or ticket and we will update your searches folder.

These tables will not list searches produced for your Localisation, for example Local Enhanced Services or Locally Commissioned Services.

Coming up:

Mid-February 2025 release Search folder name: Search folder version: Changes:
004 GP Contract Pro 4.1.0 004A: New search folders for rolling results and year-end results.
004B: Fixed fault for HF008, some incorrect date ranges.
007 Prevalence Improvement 4.0.4 Fixed fault for PI-LD04), which contains a few erroneous codes being suggested for the LD register
009 MHRA, NPSA and CAS alerts 3.2.0 New search for latest MHRA alert regarding medroxyprogesterone. See our support guide for more information.
012 Audit ready 3.4.0 New searches for management and audit of coeliac disease registers. See our support guide for more detail.
020 Practice Administration 4.0.1 020E: minor change to "Referrals in last 12 months" report, adding in user details.
025 PCN Contracts 4.8.2 025B: Fixed fault in SMR searches, which were looking at an incorrect date range.
026 Greener Inhaler Project 3.0.0  A complete refresh of this folder with new layout and searches following close work with Greener Practice. The folder is now called "Greener Prescribing". Please see our support guide for full details.
032 CQC Navigator 1.1.1 Fixed fault in which two reports (CKD4 or 5) were looking for 3 months instead of 9 months.
034 Eligibility 1.1.0 034B: Fixed fault with an incorrect "and" in shingles declined, resulting in declined patients not being excluded. Should have been "or".
034D: new rules added to pre-existing searches for the newly release RSV invite codes.


Mid-January 2025 release Search folder name: Search folder version: Changes:
A new sub-folder of searches for RSV claims for pregnant patients has been released! Alongside this is a update to the RSV for older adults searches, in which patients aged 74 who have been vaccinated too early will fall into the RSV001X report instead of being rejected from the searches.

032 CQC Navigator 1.1.0 Large update to entire suite of searches, fixing numerous bugs including the missing ICS (Trelegy & Trimbow), new reports for polypharmacy and medication reviews, and new codes for auditing.
035 Reasonable Adjustments Digital Flag 2.0.1 Fix for Speech impairment with RADF search which was returning incorrect patients.

Mid-December 2024 releaseSearch folder name:Search folder version:Changes:
007 Prevalence Improvement4.0.3Minor change to DEM01 search, removing those patients who are on the Huntington's register.
034 Eligibility1.0.1The code "NHS Health Check not appropriate" has been added to remove the patient from the invite report

Mid-November 2024 release Search folder name: Search folder version: Changes:
012 Audit ready 3.3 New searches for GDM in the Diabetes folder, to help identify patients who go from GDM onto T2DM
017 Weight ES 4.2 A new folder of searches for activity monitoring, some minor bug fixes and a change to the invite report to exclude anyone referred in the last 12 months (instead of 24 months).
025 PCN Contracts 4.8 CAN02 updated to CAN04. Minor changes to the Cancer referral follow-ups folder.
035 Reasonable Adjustments Digital Flag 2.0 Following updated guidelines from NSHE the need to code "consent" has been removed from the searches.

Mid-October 2024 releaseSearch folder name:Search folder version:Changes:
001 CQRS5.2For Seasonal Influenza, added "Is a carer" dependency search. Added FIRSTVAC_DAT dependency searches to check age and vaccination date.
005 COVID vaccination programme10.5Fix to eligible invite criteria, now looking for GDM in last 24 months instead of GDM ever.
016 Seasonal Influenza 2024-255.1Small addition into A22 - consider vaccination search to catch people who are on a hospital issue of a immunosuppressing drug.

Please get in touch if you have any queries!
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